03 December 2007

Barry J. Fraser

Learning Environment and Students’ Attitudes towards Biology
1. Recent research has shown that a strong link exist between student outcomes and their perceptions of their learning environment (Fraser & Fisher, 1982, Talton & Simpson, 1987).
2. Past research has revealed consistent differences in the perceptions of classroom environment held by students and their teachers (Fraser, 1984)

The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Integrated with Constructivist Teaching on Improving Learning Environments in Thai Secondary School Science Classrooms
Today, the achievement of a positive classroom environment is a valuable goal for education (Fraser, 2002). The curriculum of schools and universities consists “not just of content and outcomes, but also of classrooms where the business of learning takes place” (Fraser, 2002, p. vii).

More papers by Barry Fraser here:

More about Barry Fraser here:

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