03 December 2007

Reflection on Session 3

Many current day research on learning environment is based on theories that were developed in the past by people like Murray, Leary, Walberg etc . A learning environment can be easily assessed with the various assessment schemes, templates or samples that are already well researched into (tested for validity) and available for teachers to use.

It is important for us to assess a learning environment because how a teacher perceives a learning environment and how a student perceives a learning environment is quite different.
We need to assess the learning environement in order to better meet the learning needs of our students. It is more important than ever to look into assessing the learning environment because research proven that is closely related to students' learning outcomes and therefore we need to pay attention to it.

As teachers, we must reflect on how we are teaching and at what level are we comfortable with experimenting with new methods of teaching. It is important that we try new methods and be not afraid to fail. We should keep trying in order to broaden the frontiers of education.

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